Yesterday, Doodle #3 had to go to the doctor, so while he and Cita were away, Doodles 1 & 2 and I broke out the finger paints. I got the idea for the snowflakes from Frugal Family Fun blog . I went for an easier 4-sided flake rather than trying to balance a 6-sided flake as speed was more critical than accuracy. (Doodles with the promise of finger paint aren't know to be very patient!)

Aren't they fun?! They're actually bigger than they look - made on newsprint. If we do this again, though, I won't use newsprint. The painters tape stuck to it enough that I couldn't get it off without tearing the paper some.
stay warm...........looks bad outside
I miss those days of making snowflakes etc with the little ones. My youngest is 23. But oh did we do all the crafty things as she grew up. Thanks for sharing the snowflakes!
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